Sunday, October 6, 2013

Veronica Jones: New Califonia Law gives undocumented immigrants drivers license

Thursday October 3rd, California governor, Jerry Brown, approved of a law to allow undocumented workers to legally obtain drivers licenses. Assembly Bill 60, requires that the DMV issue everyone, even illegal immigrants, a drivers license as long as they can meet the requirements of: proving their identities, having an established California residency and passing their driving exam. However, that isn't to say California is the only state with a law of this nature, at least 45 states have accepted a similar version of it. The only difference is, their law only allow children who were brought over and have spent most of their lives in America to legally obtain a drivers license. So, this law is both a small step forward and giant leap closer to better immigration laws and treatment. The law is to go into effect as soon as January 1st, 2015. The exact detail of the law are still being figured out, but supporters of the law seem happy. "To have a license is not a luxury. It is a necessity, because in cars we go to work, to school and shopping and without a license really we are limited in many things," one supported, an illegal immigrant, stated. 

However, that isn't to say that everyone is happy. The problem with any law like this, is the backlash it produces. People are growing more and more hostile towards immigrants (legal or not) and with the current state of America, more and more are willing to jump on this immigrant-hate bandwagon. If the country were in a better state, this new law would probably receive a much better reaction, but, unfortunately, the criticisms range anywhere from "timid citizen" to "enraged bigot" and all shades of concern in between. Hopefully the majority of people will be able to warm up to this law by the spring of 2015.

1 comment:

  1. I see nothing wrong with long as they legally got here.
