Monday, October 21, 2013

New Jersey support gay marriage ---Morgan Brown

So for a really long time majority of the country was against same sex marriage. Over time the American people have begun to not be as strict and conservative. The American population is slowly but surely beginning to be more liberal. Since midnight New Jersey has become the 14th state to officially allow and support gay marriage. Numerous gay couples have been married legally today in the state of New Jersey.

New Jersey becoming a state for same sex couples to express their love for each other in marriage is a remarkable occasion. It proves that not everyone is close minded but issues in our society. It shouldn't matter if a couple is heterosexual or not anyone should be allowed to love whom they choose without worry.



  1. Congratulations to New Jersey (perhaps you are not so bad after all)! In all seriousness, this is wonderful news.

  2. This is actually really good to hear! I'm glad to know that the state has finally decided to consider this and become more broad-minded. However, I can see how many people will be opposed to this, due to their religious beliefs, etc. But people have individual rights and it's good that one such as this is being acknowledged.

  3. especially for a lot of our students/ friends in school, this is exciting news. i honestly think a person has a right to marry anyone he or she pleases, so im glad progress is under way!
