Monday, October 28, 2013

Condoms in a Pediatricians office? Joan Milburn pd. 1

The question of whether to give teens condoms remains a controversial issue... but since doctor supervised condom distribution, as well as sex-ed and awareness.... teen pregnancy rates are declining. Not only do condoms help prevent teen pregnancy.... but also STD's and STI's. Although sexual abstinence is the best form of birth control and infection prevention, it is inevitable that teens will still have sex and it is best for them to be prepared.

I think that condoms in a pediatricians office is a good idea. The earlier we educate kids about safe sex, the more they will know when it comes time for them to cross that threshold. Though I do not personally support sex at a young age, I'm not against it either... and it is indeed inevitable that frisky teens with continue sexual behaviors whether they are protected or not. I think better safe than sorry.


  1. Patience Henderson (1st Period)October 28, 2013 at 7:33 PM

    I think that it is a good idea that they give out condoms, give them to them and tell them the correct way to have safe sex, whether than them not using any and end up with a disease or the girls pregnant.

  2. I think that if your using condoms you probably shouldn't still be going to a pediatrician. This is just my opinion.

  3. A pediatrician is a doctor for children and not necessarily for teenagers. I don't think they should have them, therefore, since their patients ages are more likely to be between 4-10.
