Monday, October 28, 2013

Deportations: missing parents, scared children~ Ashley Barnes 2nd

In this article, teenage kids came home to see that there father was missing. Eventually, they had realized that he had been deported. They managed to have some communication with their father, who assured them that everything was going to be okay. However, the man was still deported, leaving these two children homeless, and parent less. Their mother had been deported earlier. The teens are now living with a foster family  in Miami.

I believe that this article was written to serve as a realization to common people that deportations  effect people. It is something that is heard about very often, but not something that everyone experiences. In my opinion, I think that it was terrible for these two teenagers to come home to their father being gone. It's interesting to see how immigration acts have played out in America. We go from wanting vast amounts of immigrants, to closing doors and opportunities to people for a great amount of time.


  1. Patience Henderson (1st Period)October 28, 2013 at 7:39 PM

    Wow, this is crazy I can't imagine coming home and my parents not being home. I would freak out and then having to go to a foster family would drive me crazy, I would have asked to be deported with my parents!

  2. There have been cases where children are left alone in the states without entire families all because they were born on US territory. This is a serious topic that needs addressing!
