This article was published on November 12th by Washington Post. This article is about how the total amount of deaths from the California camp fire has grown to 42, which is the largest amount of deaths in a fire. This is seriously devastating, many people have no way of knowing they need to evacuate which is not helping the cause. Many people have no way of knowing when to move, which cannot be good. This is the greatest amount of casualties from a fire ever, and it is truly scary.
This reminds me of The Dust Bowl, when homes and lives were destroyed. This event caused so much damage to livestock, homes and people. The aftermath was a lot to deal with for citizens. The point is that this is a severe tragedy, I cried while reading about it. We cannot prevent natural disasters, but we can make sure that communication is intact and people are notified when they need to be. During the Dust Bowl we did not have the electronics we have today, and we need to use that to our benefit as best we can.
Fires are so terrifying. The California fires in particular seem so hopeless because the only thing that could help is rain, which isn't coming, possibly because of climate change.