Sunday, November 4, 2018

California teacher caught on camera punching 14-year-old boy - Joziah German

What was a typical day of school, took a fatal blow when a student and his teacher got in a fight at a high school in southeast Los Angeles. On Friday afternoon a students phone caught all the action. Maywood Academy High School music teacher Marston Riley, 64, delivered the first punch at the 14-year-old boy in front of the class. The brawl ended with students and what seems to be the campus resource officer working to separate the two. Riley though continued to pursue the student even when he was on the ground wrapped around his legs. Students told reporters the fight started after Riley asked the student to leave the class because he didn't have on the school uniform. The boy didn't obey and shouted profanity and a racial slur at Riley. The boy ended up being taken to the local hospital where he was treated, and Riley was arrested for child abuse. Riley was bailed out this Saturday, and the Los Angeles Unified School District is taking this matter very seriously.

This article produced by CNN's Amir Vera was published a day after Riley's release. I had no prior knowledge before reading about this unjustified incident, but it sort of reminds me of an event I saw on TV a couple months ago when I was dropping my sister off at college. A teacher beat, robbed, and threatened a student after he owed him $4,000 dollars in weed. Both the teachers are similar in their own situations because they were charged and committed abuse towards a student. Abusing a student is unexceptable especially if it’s a teacher who should be teaching students not only about academics, but also about how to become a better person. How can anyone be better than the generations before them, if they are witnessing uncalled for cruelty. This article was most likely written for the families within the Los Angeles Unified School District so they know of this absurd happening. This is definitely a negative influence on the audience, especially if the reader lives in the school district because it creates mistrust between families and school teachers. This article was written because its important for people to know that there is still not a perfect environment in all schools across the nation. An education has become very important today in American life, but it cannot be achieved if the learning environment is unsafe and nonbeneficial. Overall, I hope that all schools one day can have a healthy atmosphere, that way all students have an opportunity at setting up a successful future.

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