Monday, November 5, 2018

200 Cases of Polio-Illnesses known as AFM- Mia Murphy

      This article was posted on November 5, 2018 by CNN reporter Debra Goldschmidt. There has been 200 cases of polio-illnesses known as AFM under investigation, but only 80 have been confirmed. 20 patients have been added to the investigation and 8 more cases have been reported since last week. The 25 states with the confirmed reports haven’t been identified.
AFM is a rare illness that effects the nervous system, especially the spinal cord, and can cause weakness in the muscle and sudden paralysis in some cases. Other symptoms include difficult eye movement or slurred speech. Adults can develop AFM, but 90% of the cases since 2014, specifically, are patients under the age of 4. There has yet to be a scientific cause of AFM but research is underway.


  1. This is so scary! I think the medical community and the genpop likes to think that our biggest medical mysteries are like hemorrhagic fevers in Africa and cancer and autism but now we have this and it's opening people's eyes that we don't know everything.-Hadley McGhee

  2. This must be devastating. I wonder what scientists and people in the medical field are doing to respond.
