Sunday, April 5, 2015

Conserving Your H2O- by Rachel Devine (6th)

      The drought in California is placing a lot of pressure on its residents to conserve as much water as possible. Because the conditions have become so severe in the Golden State, places like Santa Monica have begun asking people to cut their usage to a range of 50-68 gallons per day. On average, people use around 130 gallons between brushing their teeth, taking a shower, doing the laundry, flushing the toilet, and washing their dishes. With everyone using basically two times as much water as what is recommended, a huge problem surfaces.

      This article reminded me of the time in APUSH when there was an oil embargo placed on the US at the time when Jimmy Carter was president. In response to the situation, Carter created the Department of Energy and asked many Americans to reduce their energy use; however, most of them ignored his requests. Today, many Americans are ignoring the requests to lessen their energy use as well. If we continue being stubborn and ignoring the fact that we have a serious problem, consequences will result.

1 comment:

  1. Relating to an oil embargo placed on the US at the time when Jimmy Carter was president.
