Sunday, October 6, 2013

Montana Dalton 2nd Period- Monster Truck Accident

At a Mexican air show, an out of control monster truck flew into the crowd. Eight people were killed and 79 have been hurt. It could be possible that this was no accident however. Sunday the driver was on suspicion of manslaughter. Officials have claimed to be doing further analysis of the situation and the possible safety violations in the setup of the show. However, several witnesses said that they saw the driver strike his head on the interior of his car while his helmet flew off as he bounced over small cars at high speed, crushing their roofs. It was said that "the truck came down hard in the middle of the cars."
Even Worse, there were two men who became so upset that they threw a firebomb at monster trucks who were innocently involved in the air show.

As a reflection of this, I come to see more and more that violence and hatred is all around us. Some peoples reactions are cause by mistakes. It makes me take in the thought that our choices and actions affect all the people around us.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow this is insane and people need to think before they do things, because their actions can affect themselves and everyone around them.

  3. Wow! What a weird, terrible story. I completely agree that people need to realize that engaging in crazy, stupid, pointless activities like this can really be dangerous to others, just like being unreliable or untruthful, etc. can really be a negative impact on those around us.

    -Hannah Selby Period 4
