Sunday, October 20, 2013

Madison Ceurter 5th period: Air Pollution causes cancer, world health authority says

The air that we breathe today has been researched that it can cause cancer.  This is crazy that whenever we step outside we are in risk of cancer and there is no cure for it.  The only thing that we could do is clean up the air and that would take everyone in the world to participate in.  The World Health Organization says that in 2010 lung cancer took the lives of 223,000 people from the air pollution.  Air pollution also causes risk of bladder cancer, heart disease and respiratory aliments which gives us all the more reason to help the best that we can to clean the air.  The International Agency for Research on Cancer called "air pollution the most widespread environmental carcinogen and the worst."  I don't understand how our air pollution can get so bad that it can cause cancer.  This is just quite crazy to me, I hope that somehow we can all try to fix the air pollution.

1 comment:

  1. One of the reasons finding a cure for cancer seems to be so difficult is that there are so many factors that can cause it. Also, while air pollution definitely has harmful effects, people do not want to improve air quality if it is not cost efficient, or if it inhibits the production of energy and resources.
