Thursday, October 3, 2013

Illegal Immigrants Granted Drivers' Licenses - Lizy Rutherford 4th period

California governor Jerry Brown has signed a bill granting illegal immigrants a driver's license, as well as their own vehicle. These new licenses will have certain markings on them to show that they are not to be used for federal purposes. Many immigrant advocate groups have advocated this decision as a major step forward. Angelica Salas, the executive director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, said "The governor’s signature on AB60 opens a window of opportunity unfairly closed shut to millions of Californians in 1993. The state Legislature and the governor recognize a driver’s license makes our roads safer and offers a practical tool any Californian, regardless of immigration status, can use to conduct everyday tasks that greatly contribute to our state’s growth.”
California is not the only state to do this. Illinois did this earlier this year, with special markings on these IDs as well. Granting special privileges is still illegal in many states, but who knows what the future for illegal immigrant life here will look like.

Read more:

Personally, I find this to be annoying. It's highly unfair to American-born citizens who work hard for what they have. This won't solve the issue of illegal immigration. To me, now they'll be driving legally to jobs they legally do not have. Our country needs to do more to resolve this issue and just make all illegal aliens citizens or have them get out. Also, aren't driver's licenses supposed to be forms of identification for ALL purposes, federal included? And when you buy a car, isn't one legally required to have proof of insurance/residency? How does the governor expect this to all work out?


  1. This bothers me too!! These people are here ILLEGALLY, and therefore should definitely not be issued lisences. If they're not even supposed to be here, then giving them drivers' licenses defeats the entire purpose. It makes NO sense whatsoever.

  2. The lack of licenses should have motivated the illegal immigrants to become citizens. I realize that they need transportation...but they can use the money they illegally posses from their illegal jobs to ride buses and trains until they achieve citizenship.

    There are laws that have made it supposedly easier for illegal immigrants to become legal.
