Sunday, October 26, 2014

Place your orders now for the "Sexy Ebola Containment Suit," Halloween Costume!!--Faith Cleaver P4

Yes, you read that right. There is now a new addition to the list of sexy Halloween costumes marketed to women and it is just as offensive as it is ridiculous. A website called Brands On Sale that is known for its unique costumes now has a sexy Ebola costume on sale for a small price of $59.99, shipping and handling not included of course.
   The costume has sparked its fair share of online controversy causing many tweets by outraged people questioning the morals of costume shops lately and how we are handling the Ebola situation. With over 5,000 killed by this deadly virus, joking about such a serious topic is probably the last thing we need to to. However, it seems that that's all anyone can do about it lately and it is becoming a hot topic this Halloween. Earlier this week, a Dallas man gained negative attention for his Ebola themed Halloween decorations. James Faulk argued that his decorations were all in good fun and that he understood that he would undoubtedly receive negative attention for his joke. His decorations included stacked barrels labeled bio-hazard, yellow caution tape, signs saying quarantined, And orange trash bags marked as "Bio-hazard Infectious Waste." Faulk also wore a Protective suit labeled, "CDC Trainee."
   Many People (myself included) are disappointed at how this crisis is being made into a joke while people around the world, US included, are currently fighting for their lives and losing loved ones. I for one believe in using humor to cope with tragedy, but only to a certain degree. People online are reacting to the costume by saying things like, "The fact that there's a sexy ebola nurse costume proves the sexy costumes have gone out of control." Someone else commented by saying, "SEXY EBOLA NURSE COSTUME????? SEXY F****** EBOLA NURSE COSTUME????? Can we burn the world down yet?"


  1. It amazes me of how ebola as a joke has gone so far. This is a serious disease and kills a large percent of the people who contract it. People should be using the virus as a platform for comedy or Halloween costumes.

  2. This is absurd, but not surprising. I remember seeing people dress up as Osama Bin Laden for Halloween in 2011, the year he was killed, and thinking about the ridiculousness of some people. I guess it just comes to show that some people cannot take certain things seriously.

  3. Ebola is not a joke! This is a horrible idea for a costume. I don't find this amusing at all and there have been cases where people have died. The joke has officially gone too far.

  4. Hah oh man, people are nuts. It is actually kind of funny only due to how over dramatic people were being about the entire situation. I know it is serious and it is not funny, but the situation is funny I will have to say, sorry.

  5. Well now i know what I'm being for halloween. Jk but idk i don't really care about this. some people are always going joke about serious issues and some are always going to be offended. pretty standard stuff.

    julian smith

  6. I feel like make light heart of a serious situation is not necessarily disrespectful while it can be it also tends to lift spirits and alleviate stress or fear related to the issue

  7. This is a great story, but I would not consider buzzfeed an appropriate source for current events. You could easily make it valid by adding a link to a viable news source with the same story or another article about ebola in Dallas.
