Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Cured Nurse Returns Home - Froy Gutierrez 4th


Amber Vinson returns to Dallas after being cured of Ebola. She gives a remarkable speech after her recovery, stating that although this is a great victory, that the people of the USA and around the globe turn their heads to the thousands of families in Africa suffering due to this epidemic. This reminds me of the many times that the USA has been at the forefront as a world power, and although we had issues at home, we still attempted to regulate affairs around the globe. This call to action is similar to events of the past like the Vietnam War. Hopefully we can find a cure and we can revitalize the parts of the globe affected by this epidemic.


  1. Wohhoo! she's home! I bet people will still be scared of her though. Quentin Noble 2

  2. I agree with your analysis in that it's great that she was cured, but now we need to work on finding a way to curing everyone all over the world!
