Monday, October 20, 2014

A "Royals" free zone Heather McKay

     As the San Francisco Giants prepare to play the Kansas City Royals in baseball's championship series, local radio stations decided to send out a humorous, yet slightly too-far message by banning the song Royals by Lorde from playing up untill the game has concluded. They want their city to be "Royal free". Everyone understands that this ban will have no actual outcome on the game, however I believe it may give them peace of mind. Others, however argue that the song is actually anti- Royals with lyrics such as, "we'll never be don't run in our blood". Either way,  I find this ban quite funny and unnecessary. I honestly would not have even thought to make this move.

     This relates to APUSH with the 1st amendment to the constitution which gives the people free speech and freedom of the press. While I understand that the federal or national government is not banning this song and somewhat censoring the press, I still believe that it violates the 1st amendment. If a station wants to play this song they should be aloud to, regardless of the title of the song and it's ties to pop culture and sports.



  1. I agree that this is quite unnecessary. I understand, however, that they simply see it as a humorous way to support their team.

  2. It is understandable that they want to be humorous, but that is a little too far. I feel like they're really pushing the 1st amendment

  3. They try to be funny but achieve annoying and unnecessary. Though they were just trying to get a laugh, their goal of humor failed.
    -Glenna Loughin

  4. This is pretty extreme, especially since the song "Royals" is actually against being royal... but I understand the message they're trying to put out. However, I don't think this was necessary and the time and energy spent on such an insignificant thing like banning a single song reflects badly on the banners.

  5. It's a stupid ban, but it's an example of how strongly people feel about things they believe in or support.

  6. This is such a dumb ban. They went too far and it's never that serious.

  7. Man who cares its just a joke I'm sure no ones Lorde's career isn't going to suffer from a week of roayls not being played on a couple of radio stations for a week.

    Julian smith
