Monday, March 18, 2019

Keyanna Smith- "Something is terribly wrong with Trump"

When asked directly about the deadly New Zealand attack on Friday, Trump denied that surging white nationalism was a serious problem. Even though Trump gave his condolences he failed to note that the attacker specifically targeted muslims. He characterized immigrants as invaders which is a common term among white nationalists. Shortly after he took office he ordered a ban of on visits to America by people from seven Muslim majority countries.

This shows that he doesn't care about the other countries and the Muslim countries. And this is wrong because as president your are supposed to make decisions that will better the country not make decisions off of just your own personal opinion. A lot of president back then did this as well such as Andrew Jackson and Herbert Hoover.


  1. I agree that there is something wrong with his disregard of white nationalism considering that he himself has been accused of being a white supremacist.

  2. Honestly trump is a very dumb man . You have to use little word for a person who has no regard for no one but himself and who is very close minded.
