Monday, March 25, 2019

Please Vaccinate Your Kids - Hadley McGhee

Vaccinate your children. Please.
Throughout history, Americans have been at the forefront of scientific discovery.

In 1777, George Washington issued the first mass military inoculation in order to combat small pox at Valley Forge.

In 1952, New Yorker Jonas Salk created the Polio vaccine.

In 1963, Montana native Maurice Hilleman invented the Measles vaccine.

In 2019, we've got a measles outbreak.
And a mumps outbreak.
And a pertussis outbreak

America has been at the forefront of scientific discovery, but now, we are going back in time because of ignorance. These diseases are extremely dangerous, but preventable.

Vaccinate your kids.


  1. The risks are lower than the benefits so if you can you should be vaccinated.

  2. Please please please please please vaccinate your children for everyone's sakes.

  3. I agree. In order to avoid these diseases from reoccurring, we have got to do something to avoid it(vaccines).
