Monday, March 25, 2019

The Psychological Aftermath of Surviving School Shootings- Rachel

After the thraumatic experience of the Parkland school shooting in 2018, teenager Sydney Aiello killed herself last weekend with a gun shot to the head. Sydney struggles in college because the classrooms scared her and caused loads of anxiety. According to the studies of those who deal with the burden of these shootings are absolutely traumatized and live life in fear. Many more have committed suicide after these shootings.

This relates to history bc of gun regulations. After the New Zealamd shooting which was the first there, New Zealand automatically put down gun restrictions and continue to terminate any firearms throughout the country. The US, even after multiple shootings, hasn’t put down any restrictions. This is mainly due to the NRA buying our politicians.


  1. Emma Burkey: It's time Congress and Capital Hill start protecting people and not guns. I hope the politicians in office now hopefully get this point.

    1. Emma is right. Lives are much more important than ones right to bear arms.
