Monday, March 25, 2019

Zander Pryor-Egg Boy

After the flurry of bad and all around depressing news as of late, I think we could all use something a bit lighter. With that in mind, I present to you, Egg Boy. Sen. Fraser Anning has a history of less than tasteful comments. His latest beauty involved blaming muslims FOR the Christchurch attack despite the fact they were the victims. Luckily, just because he voiced his garbage opinions does not mean there was not retaliation. A 17 year old boy who had come to hear the speech was so shocked at his bigoted comments he egged the senator. The senator promptly punched him and the boy was attacked by the bystanders. Despite this, it did not stop him from going viral and being lovingly termed "Egg Boy". Reportedly, a GoFundMe is in the works to pay for his hospital Bill's and more eggs.

This story absolutely delighted me. No matter the angle you view it from, no damage was done. Even if you view the senator as a victim, he dished out far more than he received and getting egged is more of an annoyance and humiliation than anything else. And frankly, in my opinion, it's no less than he deserved. Time and time again it has been shown that instances like these are sometimes the only ways to shut down bigots. Punching nazis works and apparently so does egging bigots. This reminds me of the infamous shoe incident during the George Bush administration. During a press conference, an iraqi journalist threw both of his shoes one after the other at president Bush. However, rather impressively, Bush dodged both. Both incidents involved rather lighthearted displays of frustration that became incredibly impactful given how known they became and both were executed with innovative if unorthodox items.

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