Sunday, March 31, 2019

"It's HER choice" An interpretation of CNN article by Adelaide Willert

"Celebrities call for Georgia boycott over abortion bill"

Recently, Georgia passed the "heartbeat" abortion bill which is now facing heavy opposition from celebrities local to Georgia, specifically those in the film industry. The new "heartbeat" bill says that a woman should not be allowed to abort a child and terminate a pregnancy after the first fetal heartbeat is detected. One of the main issues with this is that the first fetal heartbeat can be as early as six weeks into a pregnancy, and most woman don't know that they're carrying a child until around seven or eight weeks in. On Twitter, many celebrities have spoken out against the passing of this bill with Alyssa Milano saying, "There are over 20 productions shooting in GA & the state just voted to strip women of their bodily autonomy... Hollywood! We should stop feeding the GA economy." This comment was followed up by guilds of Hollywood writers threatening to boycott Georgia as a shooting location and as a main headquarters for production.

I recently got into an argument with my grandmother over abortion. I had said to her, "A woman's body is completely under her control. If something is going to be growing inside you and literally sucking life out of you, you should have the final say as to whether or not that's okay with you. No one can tell you to have a child because it is such an enormous physical burden alone. And that's not even taking into account what comes next." And to my face, after I had so clearly espoused my opinions and beliefs my grandmother told me, "people who think it's acceptable to kill a fetus are monsters. Abortion is monstrous because that is a life." You might wonder why I would bring this statement that has taken up three lines into my writing. I don't. I don't even wonder if it should be excluded because every single word is true. No one should have control over a woman's body. Yes, it is a life. But it is a life that has yet to begin. It is a life that will take a portion of a woman's life and possibly ruin a woman's life. And that's the major issue with the "heartbeat" abortion bill: it doesn't think about what that means for the woman because it's too focused on the child. A woman's body is HER choice and nobody else's.

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely believe in having the choice, so seeing Georgia's new bill made me extremely incredulous. It is incredibly unfair that they would design the bill to restrict abortion after a woman would even know about her pregnancy. What makes me most upset is the fact that the governor of Georgia is a man.
