Friday, March 15, 2019

Seriously Ill Federal Prisoners Freed As Compassionate Release Law Takes Effect - Miranda Farrar

This article highlights the effects of the First Step Act, a law signed by President Trump last December. This law lightens sentences on drug offenders, as well as gives sick or elderly inmates a chance to petition for early release, as long as they can convince the judge that the prison system isn't adequate to treat their severe condition. Many lawyers are happy with the opportunities that have opened up, and prisoners are able to get help after compassionate release.

This article used the story of inmate Richard Evans to provide an example of people affected by this law. He had a suspicious mass growing on his neck, and he was given a three-year term of supervised release. It's important that prisoners are being recognized as human beings deserving of healthcare. Over time, healthcare is seen as more and more important, and after the Great Depression, the federal government put more effort into taking care of the public. It's good that prisoners, while being supervised, are getting help that they need.

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