Monday, March 18, 2019

new zealand prime minister confirms gun reform.

new zealand's government has agreed to reform the countries gun laws following the mass shooting this past week. ardern said that the "worst act of terrorism on our shores" had exposed a range of weakness in new zealand gun laws. " within 10 days of this horrific act of terrorism, we will have announced reforms which will, i believe, make our community safer." says ardern. the prime minister has also announced that there would be an inquiry into the specific circumstances leading up to friday's attack. with 50 pronounced dead already, and 30 more injured, this has become the biggest loss of life due to gun violence in new zealand history, on a scale of population, this attack would be equivalent to 2,600 U.S citizens dying due to the scale of new zealand. this is a very tragic event, and speaks volumes about the problems of white supremacy along with gun violence that are very prevalent in the U.S. I think the U.S should follow ardern's lead and make better gun reform, instead of doing nothing at all.

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