Summary: Recently in New Zealand, many went to a mosque in hopes of worship, but instead were violently attacked. Luckily, they ran from the gunfire and hid underneath a bench, while calling for the police. The vicious attack lasted a terrifying 36 minutes, and was stopped shortly after by the police. Roughly 50 people were killed, while another 50 were injured. The New Zealand police suspect and accused a 28 year old man, Brenton Tarrant, for commited such a cruel act of violence.
Analysis: This attack occurred on March 15,2019, which was just a few days ago, and this article was written and last updated just a day after. This means that the information is accurate, but it still could be not completely up to date. This article was writtem to target possibly other people who worship at the mosque, and to inform Americans. The purpose was to inform those who were unaware about this shooting, and to show us how unjust and cruel the world can often be. It is horrible that such hatred is shown to innocent people just because the believe in a different religion, or they pray at a different place.
This just explains how cruel people are and they don't care about the consequences.