Monday, March 4, 2019

Many are missing, more feared dead after fatal tornadoes rip through Alabama- Rachel DuBard

The death toll as of now stands at 23, but there are still loads of those who are still unaccounted. Officials have said the facilitiesare in the areas between two highways of Alabama. Winds blew at 170mph. The tornados track was at 24 miles long. There was a second tornado that hit Macon County. There are multiple stories of people being trapped and having neighbors help dig them out of where they were hiding from the tornados. People said they heard sirens as a warning but most didn’t exactly take it seriously until they saw evidence of tornados.

Reminding me of the Dust Bowl, this relates to history because in the Dust Bowl many felt trapped, needed help, and many were lost because of the high winds. These are both tragedies and so heart breaking. Especially because nothing much can be done when there are weather scenarios.


  1. These tornadoes need to be a point of unity for the country at this moment. We need to unite and set aside our differences and aid those desperately in need of assistance following this disaster. I like your connection to the hardships following the dust bowl.

  2. I think that these are hard times for people who are in the experience that their in and the need love and support

  3. Often, tornadoes or underestimated in causing damage and destruction, especially in comparison to hurricanes, and etc. I find it shocking that there have already been nearly 25 deaths to tornadoes, within only the past 3 months!
