Monday, March 4, 2019

Ariana Oliver-Boy Scout Troop Is Now For Girls Too

This article was written by Derek M. Norman on March 3, 2019. As of February 1, 2019, the Boy Scouts of America began accepting girls into all its ranks for the first time in it's 109 year history. The BSA 2017 policy shift was hailed by the organization as a way to shape new female leaders but was met with immediate backlash. At least 77 girls in NYC have been officially welcomed and registered into the club. Today, there's more than 8000 girls who have signed up for the club that was originally for boys only. Although this is a positive step forward to the inclusion of women, The Girl Scouts of America opposed this notion, even suing the Boy Scouts of America. A former girl scout, Lora, was elated when the Boy Scouts made their memberships more inclusive. The Boy Scouts offers many more outdoor activities than the Girl Scouts including: Venturing, Sea Scouts, STEM Scouts etc. Inn the Girl Scouts law suit, they believed the word "scout"shouldn't be used unless context is distinguished to help identify the organization and prevent confusion. They argued that the use of the word "scout" without gender context is steering families towards boy scouts.
The Women's Right Movement and their active push to equality relates to this topic. During the 1900s, women were often viewed as house workers, especially through the teachings of Republican Motherhood. Men were able to go into the workforce and provide for the family at home while the women stayed home and cared for the children. These views initially began to change during WW2 through the portrayal of Rosie the Riveter. Women were viewed as influential and important in the industrial workplace.
I feel like the lawsuits provided by the Girl Scouts are unreasonable, instead of suing the boy scouts, they could've changed their policies as well. Im not sure if this is a necessary step towards equality, but I believed the boy and girl scouts were appropriate since boys and girls are fundamentally different. However, girls do have limited options and some may want to interact in boy related activities.

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