Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Hobby Lobby and the Abortion Pill- Casey Lampert

Hobby Lobby recently sued the Obama administration over having to provide their employees with contraception, which they say are against their religious principles and rights. However, Hobby Lobby's employee retirement plan has mutual funds that invest in nine different companies which make and supply emergency contraception. Of these companies, two are health insurance companies that cover surgical and medical abortions along with emergency contraception in their healthcare plan. These nine investments caused Hobby Lobby's case to be invalid since all of them don't comply with the owners religious beliefs and perception on abortion.

The irony in this situation is pretty awesome. There is nothing wrong with the things that they invested in for the retirement fund, but the fact that there were several companies that they chose to invest in which made or supplied abortions really is fantastic. I know that Hobby Lobby is a store owned by religious people, but those people were either unaware of the investment holdings or knew about them enough to recognize there was a need. Regardless, I'm just glad that the case ended up blowing up in their face.

Casey Lampert Period 4


1 comment:

  1. I don't think that Hobby Lobby should be forced to supply their employees with contraception. However, their grounds for not supplying their employees with it seems pretty flawed considering the whole investment holdings scandal.
