Monday, April 28, 2014

The Jiggle Test

Cheerleaders of the Buffalo Bill sports team are suing their owners for all of the following;
Sexual harassment, low pay, and emotional trauma. I don't know if you can sue for all of those things, but it's really not my case.

Apparently the cheerleaders went through a process called "The Jiggle Test" in which, the coach would stand in front of the girls and have them shake, and if a part of their body jiggled, they were forced to work out until it did not.

"The Jiggle Test" for me is both disgusting, yet hilarious. Who can't help but laugh at that title. However the "curriculum" in the test, is appalling, Go Bill's Girls. I hope you beat the patriarchal society that's holding you down.


  1. I agree this is terrible yet funny to hear about. However it is disturbing that someone even thought of this test in the first place. -Nia Edwards 4th

  2. wow. that's honestly all I can say

  3. oh, wow, that's insane. People shouldn't be treated like this.

  4. Agreed. that is a disgusting way to that people.
