Monday, April 28, 2014

Claire Zimmerman: A Rather GRIMM Report

Michael Grimm, a republican congressman, has been accused of fraud involving a health food restaurant he used to co-own. He said he sold it, however, there is proof he was lying, and that they also hid receipts and other things. This is not the first time Grimm has been infamous in the eyes of the news. He once threatened to throw a reporter off of a balcony, and this incident has been caught on camera. Though he was not charged for that, it seems that the fraud with the health food store, Healthilicious, will get him at least twenty years in jail, if convicted.

Isn't this man a charmer? Fraud and abuse? Sign me up. But actually, this man seems to lean more towards the line of insanity on the spectrum of sanity. It's sad that the people who seem to join Congress are all the people out for personal gain. If our government was made up of people who genuinely love our country, then perhaps our country would not be having as many problems as it is. It genuinely surprised me to figure out that people used to trust our government. It is hard for me, personally, to believe anything any politician says. They have the sad, accurate stereotype of being liars and cheats. Not to say this is all of them, but sadly, it is a lot. And any is too many. I hope this man gets convicted to teach him he can't get away with things simply because he works in the government.

1 comment:

  1. It is, as you said, unfortunate that government officials continually give justifications for people's suspicion towards them. It ought to be a given that politicians accomplish their duties with their mindset of bettering the nation rather than themselves. If they were to escape the oblivion that they are in and see the numerous examples of the dire consequences of seeking a personal agenda, they would be more likely to be selfless.
