Date written: Friday, April 18, 2014
So, CNN kind of disappointed me this week because everything looked really boring. I guess nothing really interesting has happened. Any way, the smartphones have been a bit mainstream since the iphone and Galaxy S4 have came out. It was like "BOOM" super cool phones...and now I think some of us Android users...if there are any out there...can get a bit sick if we see another offense to the Iphone users out there. Anyway many critics out there think that smart phone innovations have stalled since the latest "newbies". But new smart phones focus on the stuff people care about: screen size, battery life and the camera- being that none of us really carry a separate camera anyway...One reason why our smartphone frenzy has stalled is because some companies are too busy trying to differentiate their new phones with wow factors which is actually slowing innovation down- like for example the Samsung Galaxy 4...which literally came with so many top gadget touchless screen components, customers complained that it was too hard to use. And we refuse to realize that its the so called boring phones that are arguably driving innovation all this to say...those of you who are thinking that innovation is stalling, think again because all the high end phones are tending to the true needs of what people want (like the camera etc. )...isn't that what we all want anyway?
This article stood out to me because 1.) I couldn't find anything else and 2.) I was just curious. But it was interesting to me that critics mention this because I was literally thinking the same thing...My dad is the number one person I think of because he is always complaining how the iphone has just too much of "unnecessary" components...stuff you can live without. I mean sure, to a 13 year old all the fancy buttons and apps on a smartphone is cool, but aren't companies trying to mainly draw the attention to middle age users who can actually BUY the phones? After all, my two parents who are in their fourties can probably speak for most adults out there....they don't even touch the extra things that smartphones come with...oh well..I'm done with my spiel...what do ya'll think?
You know you want it...
Arlesia McGowan
Period 4
I cant definitely relate to that. I know that I probably only use a handful of apps on my phone, while the rest of the pre-installed ones just sit there. Most people just want a phone that can do a handful of things really well, without all the extras.