“What American Healthcare Can Learn From Germany”
By: Olga Khazan from the Atlantic
Commentary by: Sam Smathers 4th
The American
health care system is expanding past what it has been for a while, the basic Medicare
and Medicaid into a more modern version of health care that is now called “ObamaCare”.
This medical plan is based off of Germany’s medical plan where patients pay for
health coverage every month and then can go to any hospital and get service
when they need it and not have to pay for the procedures. The problem with this
kind of service is that the doctors have to be paid by the government or whoever,
and this whoever has to pay what the doctors say the procedure is worth, but
with doctors saying a simple surgery is worth $10,000 dollars at one hospital and
$100 at another, the whoever ends up paying a lot of money. So now the
government needs to not only regulate health care but also dictate the costs of
medical services and in America government this big is always shot down.
I think
that “ObamaCare” is a good idea and I am pro health care and all, but I think
for this to really work we would need to do what Maryland has been and is doing
right now, with regulating hospitals and doctors, whist enforcing the idea that
it’s not how many crazy surgeries you preform that makes you the most money it
is about how good you are at your job. Because as soon as you start paying
doctors what they think they deserve, than you will have doctors prescribing
MRI’s for headaches instead of aspirin.
While it is true that Germany and most other European countries are resorting to this socialized healthcare program and while it is also true that the United States' health care system (the pre-Obamacare healthcare system definitely needed revising) needed to be fixed, all of the countries in Germany that have this kind of health care system and other socialist programs are in massive debt. They are committing themselves to programs that they cannot afford. This is something that is sometimes overlooked.