Monday, March 4, 2019

ERYN FAYSON- Luke Perry,hearthrob on '90210,' dies at 52 after stroke

Luke Perry, hearthrob on '90210,' dies at 52 after stroke

Luke Perry gained much heartthrob from his role on 90210 as Dylan McKay. He died after suffering from a stroke. Perry had been hospitalized since last Wednesday. He was surrounded by his friends and family when he died at the age of 52. He is also known from the T.V. show Riverdale where he plays the main characters dad Archie. 

Analysis: This article was written on Monday, March 4th and written by Lynn Elber. This article was a very sad one for me. I enjoyed Luke Perry on Riverdale and his character contributed so much to the show. This article relates to history because other stars and important figures have died young because of a stroke. Stars such as Bill Paxton, and our old president Andrew Johnson died from a stroke.


  1. I saw this story on Snapchat this morning and was extremely surprised to hear about it. I never watched Riverdale, but I know that because of the show's popularity, Perry's death will affect many.
    -Ryan Mecca

  2. This is so sad. I'm glad that because of this, some may look into the causes of stroke.
    Mary Kate Madden

  3. This is so sad. I'm glad that because of this, some may look into the causes of stroke.
    Mary Kate Madden

  4. This is very sad. He was a very talented and alot of people are going to be affected by this.
