Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Ariana Oliver- Too Much Sleep Can Kill You

This article was published on December 5, 2018 by Alexa Lardieri. A published study states that those who sleep for more than the recommended time range of 6-8 hours including naps are increasing their chances of dying and developing heart diseases and blood vessels in the brain. Researchers found that those who sleep more than the recommended time range had a 5% increased risk developing harmful health conditions. Those who sleep between 9-12 hours a day has an increased risk of 17%. Those who slept for more than 10 hours a day had a 47% of risking their health condition. During the 8 year study, researchers found that 4,381 died and 4,365 people died of heart attacks or strokes.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is caused by infants from getting too much sleep. Babies that sleep too much may develop a medical condition such as breathing and heart disorders. A history of "habitually" snoring was among men. Those men usually died of cardiovascular issues. These type of sleepers mainly died in their sleep.


  1. THAT'S CRAZY, sleep is the most beautiful thing in the world, how can you not get enough of it.

  2. I think that sleep is the one thing that replenishes your body and gives you energy

  3. this is crazy and i never thought that too much sleep could kill you- gracie zytynski
