Monday, December 10, 2018

Paris Burns while French Protests Continue -Angelia Perez

Anti-government broke out in Paris as "yellow vest" protests go onto its third weekend. Protestors gathered near the Champ-Elysees throwing rocks and paint at the police who responded with tear gas and water canons. 160 have been arrested and 80 people have been injured including some officers who deployed to the protests. Over 36,000 people have participated in this protest. But why are people protesting? Apparently its from the distaste with President Emmanuel Macron's gas tax, which has been morphed into this whole mess. Dan Lodi said "It's a mess because we don't have a leader." Lodi is a 68 year old prisoner and also told the news agency "You always have some idiots who come to fight but don't represent us all."


I know people are trying to get a point across but I really don't think violence is the answer because honestly it isn't the answer to everything. I like what Lodi said about how some idiots who fight on our side don't represent us all. It goes back to the whole religion thing kind of. People who claim to that religion and do something terrible people automatically assume that that's what everyone who is that religion is like.

1 comment:

  1. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean protesting is gonna help especially when it is going to harm innocent people not even involves..
