Monday, December 10, 2018


Hello, first I would like to start off by thanking my weekly readers, couldn't make it here without you, mrs. countryman for the assignment and of course God. Now for this weeks blog, our topic is Trump giving hush money to his sexual assault victims. Yep, that's right the leader of our country paying off victims. It breached financial campaign laws, because there is only a certain amount of money you can give to people during this time, and he over exceeded that giving over 500,000 in total. He made it so that during the end of his campaign, also the most vital part, was hushed. A company bought the rights to her story and sources say trump bought it from them so it was never shared. One of his victims was Stormy Daniels. Yes the porn star, his lawyer Cohen convinced her to sign a contract vowing her silence, reluctantly she signed it away but still wanted to share her story. We must understand the impact of her decision. Letting a man get away just like that. Is this who y'all really voted to rule our country? I just... wow. In other news this relates back to history, because the republican views were against any type of porn and had a very old fashioned way of thinking, but then trump comes up with an ex porn star for a wife which goes to show that he is slowly changing what the republican party stands for. I personally believe this is an impeachable act and that impeaching him should be seriously considered. Thanks for tuning in see you next semester. DON'T FORGET TO LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE. ;)


  1. This is the president mostly people wanted and now many aren't liking the actions of the president. -Alma Alvarado- Cabrera

  2. The fact that Bill Clinton was impeached for having an affair...and Trump has done all this & is still just fine. Hmm.

    1. PREACH SISTER!!!!! couldn't have said it any better than that!

  3. Exactly Cleo. How is this so much better than what Bill Clinton did? What would it take for Trump to actually face some consequences?

  4. why did we have to have him as our president

  5. OMG IM UR NUMBER ONE FAN KLOE!! Anyways, I agree with Cleo and Zander. Not only has our president had affairs with porn stars but he's also done worse. yet, he's still our president? just a little confused.
