Friday, December 14, 2018

Emma Myers- Mom called 911 on gun carrying son


Before I start, I just want to say I was really sad and disgusted to see this pop up on the news feed. And I know I have already written about guns and school shootings and shootings in general (also, that's a problem that there are that many things to happen, let alone to write about) WHY IS THIS STILL A THING! WHY IS THERE NO HELP FOR MENTAL HEALTH? THIS KID WAS 14 YEARS OLD!! TAKE A HINT, GOVERNMENT!


Recently, there was a shooting in a school in Indiana. A kid, age 14, who didn't even attend the school, approached it with a gun and shot up the glass doors. Luckily, police arrived the same time he did due to an anonymous tipoff. The tip off? The student's MOM. Thanks to her, there was a lockdown put on the school that day and consecutively saved many lives. After the police and the boy fired back and forth, the boy took his own life. This is seriously affecting the future. The fact that the first thought that ran through my head when I saw this was, "Oh, another one?" already tells a lot about  what's going on here. In our history, this is incomparable. I know that the whole point of this is to have a synthesis and stuff, but yeah. This is an issue. Good deal.

1 comment:

  1. I am just in shock that his mother gave the tip off, could she really not manage to do something before its too late? If this guy didn't even go to the school we have a sociopath and this is the parents job. I just hate that things like this are happening and in such a "oh another one" kind of way. -kloe rhoden
