Monday, December 10, 2018

Activists again demand Green New Deal; stage demonstration at Dem leaders' offices

     Recently, a new revitalized protest has gained traction in the U.S.: the Green New Deal, which is lobbying for environmentally-friendly policies that aim to reduce the emissions of Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere, and hopefully slow or stop global warming. With the recent EU report that declared that we had only 12 years to make serious economic changes iif we wanted to avoid catastrophic changes to the climate. Nearly a thousand activists staged sit-ns at democratic leaders' offices, advocating for democratic support of the green new deal, winning over Steny Hoyer, a democrat, who has dictated his support for the Green New Deal.
      Personally, the prospect of global warming is highly concerning to me, as every day we creep closer and closer towards catastrophe, and we are doing very little to stop it. If anything we are in fact taking steps to further hurt our situation, such as backing out of the Paris Agreement. 97% of all scientific articles agree that climate change is "real and largely man-made." The fact that we can look a scientific consensus in the eye and deny it shows how screwed society is. We need to take up arms (metaphorically, of course) against global warming deniers and CO2 emissions and push for policies such as the ones contained within the Green New Deal in the manner in which we have seen these advocates do so in order to mend the already forming wounds in our environment.

Analysis by:
Dillon Quicksall

Also this is definitely a call to action and if you have any disagreements with the opinions I have expressed I would welcome a civil discussion over them.


  1. KADAR: I think Global Warming is very underrated in our society.

  2. What's holding us back from change?!

  3. We want to see a change soon , Global Warming is a serious issue. -Alma Alvarado- Cabrera
