Monday, December 10, 2018

‘Transgender’ Could Be Defined Out of Existence Under Trump Administration- cris sanchez

after reading this article i found it very odd how they want to silently go about trans life style. its already hard enough transitioning but having your president try to define your gender is just a new low. kids and adults live in fear of coming out and this is a great example of why. you're defining other peoples genders with a close minded opinion. with this being said it is meant for us (non-transitioning people) to be better educated and open to this concept of the LGBT+ community.   


  1. I agree, it is really sad that the Trump administration feels like they should know someones gender when there are way more serious problems going on in this world. Trying to define someones gender should not be at the top of their list and I wish that the LGBT+ community could just live their lives without people like the President being in their business.

  2. I yet again here's another stupid thing coming out of Trumps mouth, who does he think he is?! - Madison Malonson

    1. i agree with you, trump has no right to go about and define people how he wants to.

  3. Just because he is the president of the US doesn't mean that he can say things like this. His position doesn't give him this kind of power, nor does it mean that we should listen to it.

    1. I agee with you, this man's power has gotten to his head and he thinks he can do whatever he wants

  4. This makes coming out so difficult for so many transgender teens and adults. I am so angered by this and wish people could just let people live their truth.

  5. This will just make people fear coming out and could result in subtle forms of genocide or segregation in the future. He doesn’t and won’t have the power to do this if our people prevent it. Whether you agree with their decision or not has nothing to do with you and you can’t switch it up just cause you disagree, Trump.

  6. As a trans guy, this is really scary. It's insane to think he can just define people out of existence and just take an eraser to our very right to exist. I'm comforted by the fact that its only a memo at the moment but that's a small comfort given this administration.

  7. With this out in the world transgender teens and adults wont have the courage to come out. This isnt something he can just do!

  8. Is Trump ready to finally watch his tongue before he says something that has a ripple effect within the entire international community? Apparently not, according to this article. Transgender people should not be stripped of their legal rights for basically no reason at all, that is just really stupid.
