Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Arctic is melting- Maya Friedmann

Over the past three decades the oldest, thickest ice in the Arctic has declined by 95%. The oldest ice is basically a glue that holds the Arctic together and keeps it cold in the summer. Young ice melts and grows back quickly but isn’t stable enough to hold the Arctic together, which is why the older thicker ice is so important. Over time there has been a shocking decrease in the volume of old ice in the Arctic, scientists fear that this pattern will lead to an entirely ice-free Arctic Ocean in summer. Ice in the Arctic reflects a large amount of sun slight back to space, but without it the dark ocean absorbs all of the sunlight which warms the ocean and the planet. A warm ocean stops the regrworh of ice in the future so the planet will just keep warming itself without it. Science estimated that the impact of the loss of the arctic sea ice will be equivalent to six years of global emissions.
This issue is related directly to climate change. The article was written to inform people about what’s happening to the Arctic’s ice so people can attempt to do something to prevent it.
Source: https://apple.news/A8GmfpfAlS4qfEGeKGwQ-Hg


  1. The lack of attention this county, and the world for that matter, pays to global warming is disturbing and troubling for our future.

    1. I agree with you Dillion, we need to pay more attention to global warming before we reach the 2 degrees Celsius point of no return

  2. Thinking about this is honestly so depressing & the fact that certain world leaders won't acknowledge this crisis is actually really scary.

    1. I feel as if we as a society are ignorant to the harm we cause to the environmen, and I agree that this is disturbing.

  3. I agree Dillion and Cleo. It's no longer a matter of if, it's of when but so many with the power to change that are leaving it unacknowledged. That terrifies me.

  4. It's shocking to see that people are able to just sit and ignore these problems like its not going to effect us, but it already is.

  5. Thats crazy! I never would've thought that would be a problem.

  6. THIS IS HORRIBLE! this is why we reallygotta save our earth we honestly dont have much time left and with the way its going our next generation will not live to see it
    - koko chen

  7. This is a very scary concept to me and I hope that people begin to take this problem very seriously. The next generations will depend on the work that we can do in our lifetimes.

  8. I knew climate change was an urgent matter, but now it sounds like the entire arctic is going to break apart in the 21st century, which is absolutely terrifying.
