Tuesday, December 11, 2018

"Alabama 9-year-old's family says bullying drove her to suicide" -Grecia Jimenez

  McKenzie Nicole Adams was found dead on December 3rd by her grandmother. The family of the 9-year-old girl says bullying and racist remarks drove her to kill herself. “She was being bullied the entire school year, with words such as ‘kill yourself,’ ‘you think you’re white because you ride with that white boy,’ ‘you ugly,’ ‘black b----,’ ‘just die’,” Harris told the paper. According to Adams' family, she was also bullied at another elementary school she used to go to, leading them to transfer her to U.S. Jones Elementary School. "There is no record of any bullying during that time and there’s no note as to why she withdrew," he said. "She transferred to U.S. Jones Elementary School in Demopolis and she’s been there ever since."
 It is unbelievable that a nine yeear old girl KILLED herself because of racism. Our society has infiltrated this prejudice and hate to our children, who are supposed to be the future leaders. Children arent born with hate in their hearts, they learn it from the people around them and the parents who raise them. Schools should educate kids about these issues and inform them on why its wrong instead of pulling the "just don't bully" card. 
  This tragedy ties to history because racism sprouted from slavery, war, and segregation. We would not have this intense hatred for the color of another person if the enslavement of millions had not occurred. Not too long ago, it was acceptable to degrade, spit, insult, and separate someone because of their skin, progress is yet to be made. 



  1. This is so devastating. I agree with you on schools to educate students more than just saying to not bully. There are so many different kinds of bullying now and how that bullying can be acted upon. Knowledge of these issues is needed now more than ever.

    1. I agree with you leslie. Bullying of any form should not be tolerated. The students responsible deserve to be punished.

  2. A very tragic incident, prayers to her family. I agree with you saying that it ties to our history because yes people who dealt with racism and segregation are still affected by it today. Racism was made up by the people then and the people now unfortunately still fall to that theory.

  3. This is absolutely awful. I wish her family peace and closure. I only hope that this inspires schools to do something to prevent bullying like she endured.

    1. I agree with you, more schools need to implement more drastic anti bullying programs as the problem has clearly not been solved.

  4. I agree with you on how children arent born with this type of hate in their heart but its learned

    1. I agree with you, the students actions clearly reflect the environment they were raised in which is part of the tragedy.

  5. This breaks my heart, it's so sad to know that this is what our society has turned into. Kids are so different now then back then and parents should and teachers should both educate kids better about bullying instead of playing"Don't bully" card. Personally, I think it's a topic that needs to be discussed more instead of being thrown in the corner.

  6. This is incredibly devastating, and I agree that humans aren't born with hate but it is a learned practice, and no child or anyone should ever be bullied to the point of suicide.

  7. I hate that this is continuing to happen, I do feel like schools are trying to enforce the no bully thing, but at some point these parents have to step in, I know you don't necessarily know f your kid is a bully, but building a relationship with your child would be a good start and could prevent a lot of these heartbreaking situations. -kloe rhoden
