This article is about the Geminid meteor shower that may be visible this week if the sky is clear and this will be the strongest meteor shower we will have this year. This is a phenomenon that was discovered and documented in 1862 and it returns every December according to NASA. Depending on how dark the skies get, the more or less meteors that will be able to be viewed. The author explains the causes of the meteor shower, which is Phaethon, an asteroid. Scientists aren't sure what exactly Phaethon is, but it is said that this is a shower of rock that is in orbit and when they run into the Earth's atmosphere they vaporize. This article is informative about what to expect and discusses what has been seen in the past. The history of these sightings are laid out for the reader and give a brief background on what to expect. I think that based on the current weather that is expected this weekend, there is a chance that the sky will not be clear and this meteor shower could be hard to see.
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