Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Ariana Oliver- Maersk Wants to Slash Carbon Emissions

This article was published on December 5, 2018 by CNN author Jethro Mullen and Ivana Kottasova has contributed to this article. Maersk is looking for zero carbon emissions by 2050 and is urging other shipping companies to do the same. The world's largest shipping company wants other companies to help develop technology for a new generation of vessels. Climate change was a big factor in this decision. The shipping industry will need new innovative ways to provide future efficient ships because they burn huge quantities of oil. Maersk has contributed 1 million dollars to this project but needs the help of other companies to carry out this challenge.
Carbon dioxide emissions from human activities are now higher than they've ever been before in history. Recent data reveals that global carbon dioxide was 150 times higher in 2011 than it was in 1850. In 1850, the United Kingdom was the top emitter of carbon dioxide. Between 1850-1960, the world experienced a constant growth of emissions due to industrialization and population growth, especially in the United States. The Great Depression and WW2 are the only events that interrupted this constant growth.
This is why we have global warming. Also, getting rid of our high CO2 emission levels can prevent premature deaths that's caused by air pollutants that are harmful to human health. Reductions in greenhouse gas emissions would improve air quality.

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