Monday, February 6, 2017

Opinions Through Art: Liza Kaye

Recently in December, Kanye West visited Trump at one of his buildings. Prior to and after the meeting, Kanye released a series of tweets regarding the meeting. He included that he would talk to Trump about bullying, teacher respect, and violence in Chicago. However, Kanye recently deleted all of his Trump-related tweets. He recently paired up with Rapper, King Myers, of New Jersey. On the album that Kanye produced, there are several lyrics calling for the impeachment of trump. The album also covers issues on refugees, immigrants, and Muslims.

This relates to history because people have been expressing their views and opinions through art for a very long time. Bob Dylan often wrote songs about the civil rights movement. Bruce Springsteen also wrote about the working conditions, and low-income people.

1 comment:

  1. I find it frightening that Kayne, motivated to create change during that meeting, totally disregarded the idea and started producing lyrics that would call for his removal. It leaves the impression that the president was impossible to communicate with and leaves a horrible impression.
