Sunday, February 26, 2017

Obama for President of France? -Kate Kahle

A french guerilla group has plastered France (Which is in the height of its election season) with these posters. ( if you cant read french, they say "yes we can" on the top)
Image result for obama president of france
The organizers are also dead-set on getting 1 million people to sign a petition for Obama to run for French President. It is a joke, but a poignant one in showing how fed up the french people are with their options for their next head of state, because their current president, Francois Hollande has had an administration full of both political and personal scandal, and none of the other options seem much better (sound familiar?). The frontrunner, Marianne LePen is the president of Le Front Nationelle, a far right group founded by her father, seems like a truly abysmal option to the young french voters, who are mainly far leftists. It is unclear whether or not Obama is aware of the protest. 

I think that France is now facing the same difficult decision that the United States was facing a few short months ago. I think the outcome of the french election is nearly impossible to predict at this point. This new wave of social activism through things that are simply outrageous is entertaining, but I don't know that it is any more effective than traditional protests and petitions of the past. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a truly interesting concept. I wonder if it will follow through.
