Monday, February 27, 2017

Anna Czyzewski - Public Schools Protect Undocumented Students

Summary: As Trump's deportation of undocumented immigrants begins to take place, fear is (unsurprisingly) sweeping across the country. To combat worries, many school districts with a high percentage of undocumented students have made resolutions to protect them. Steps they have taken include banning ICE units from coming inside the school, unless they have the very rare criminal warrant. Protocol has been written for the sole purpose of keeping a safe environment for students and protecting them from interruptions. In addition, all these school vow to not give out any private information about their students, barring ICE units from other opportunities.

Analysis: I'm extremely glad that some school districts are doing this, and I hope more will follow their example. It makes me happy that these districts actually care for their students, even if they mask it with the purpose of limiting interruptions in the classroom. The state government and local governments have their own power, which they have used previously in contrast to the federal government in a few instances. Proving the need of the state governments and the disconnection between federal and state.


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