Sunday, February 26, 2017

Devyn Lemack- Two Transgender Women Killed

  In just 48 hours, two transgender women who did nothing wrong, were suddenly killed. Chyna Gibson was gunned down on Saturday night, and the other was found with multiple stab wounds on Monday morning. No arrests have yet been made, but transgender activist, Daphanie Dupree said the situation was scary. "It's scary because like a lot of the girls in New Orleans, they're walking around like zombies, you know they have this little-hidden fear that's inside them to even go anywhere and I hear a lot of them talking about like 'oh, I'm going to carry a gun," Dupree told the station. This is very heartbreaking and scary for Dupree because it hits close to home for her and this could happen to anybody, you never know who is around.

  This was posted very recently, showing it's a problem that is currently existing. It is so sad that these sweet people did nothing wrong but they get killed. People should be able to express themselves and be who they want to be, it isn't going to affect anybody else's life besides their own. Prior to reading this article, I had not heard about this tragedy and I'm sure there have been many more scenarios besides this one which is sad to think about. In the future, I hope this hatred can stop and people can be who they wish to be.

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