Monday, February 20, 2017

Leslie Z-Malawi albino attack survivor:'I am to scare to sleep'

Femi Achulani survived a kidnapping attempt in Malawi, Africa from people who wanted to kill her for her baby parts.Malawi and others with albinism are being hunted down because people believe that potions made from their body will bring them good luck and wealth.She told the BBC news that a gang tried to lure her two years ago on a Friday evening when five men and one woman came at 7 o'clock  pretending to be policemen, they told her that they were there to protect her because they've received complaints.But even though they claimed they were policemen, she didn't trust them so some neighbors and Femi went to the police station only to find the police post locked.Femi admits that after that incident she being self-conscious that people might be hunting her so now she's unable to do ordinary stuff like grocery shopping without being in danger.At the end of the article, she quotes "I don't feel that the police or government are doing anything to protect people with albinism like me'

The article was written by the BBC to inform the people about events around the world.According to the article, since November from 2014 19 albinos have being killed and there has been more that 100 reported kidnappings and disappearances.It goes so far that criminals even remove their bones in order to sell them.It is quite deplorable to think that a silly belief for good appearance or wealth can drive people to kill and hunt humans like animals.


  1. That is so frightening! I hope this girl and other albinos stay safe over there.

  2. This is so sad to hear about. It's sad that innocent people are being hurt because of just a story. Human lives should be worth more regardless of skin color or DNA.
