Saturday, February 4, 2017

Ciaja Beck 4th period Can burnt toast and roasted potatoes cause cancer ?

Summary:  Studies shows that the Food Standards Agency found out starchy foods. such as bread and potatoes can produce high levels of the compound acrylamide if cooked at high temperatures and for too long. Acrylamide makes these foods golden in color. If overly cooked they become brown or black forming excess levels of acrylamide and previous studies in mice have linked acrylamide to cancer risk.   

Analysis: According to scientists, I feel as if cancer is found in every food  that is consumable but its also depends on how much you consume of that product. As humans we have to watch out for how much we consume because it might lead to obesity and also cancer. To be on the safe side people can reduce their exposure by following a normal healthy balanced diet which includes eating fewer high calorie foods like crisps, chips and biscuits which are major secures of acrylamide

1 comment:

  1. Because of speedy production of food, there is no such thing as natural food anymore. All the additives and hormones, surely cannot be good for us. Hence the reason so many of us stay sick.
