Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Donald Trump says America Should Ban Muslim Immigration Alexis Williams

         Donald Trump announced that America would keep having terrorist attacks unless we ban Muslim immigration. "Your going to have many more World Trade Centers if you don't solve it".Trump believes that there are already many Muslims in America that want to harm us.He even says "They want our cities to come down; they want our cities to be crushed."
           Donald Trump has to be the dumbest man alive. (sorry not sorry). Freedom of religion has been a big part in the history and reputation of America "THE LAND OF THE FREE" If the government were to pass that it would completely taint America's reputation. Not only that but he is bashing Muslims. He completely bases a whole group of people under one persons mistake. We have the first ammendment for a reason and freedom of speech is part of it and it always will be. If that law would be placed it would be violating the constitution.

1 comment:

  1. This is outrageous. I can't believe he has the decency to deem an entire race as dangerous just because recent terrorist attacks have been by people of this religious group. Muslims do not support terrorism, and it is time that Trump realize it.

    Jasmine Rodriguez Period 4
