Sunday, December 13, 2015

Pennsylvania Walmart Shooting // Olivia Gillis P3

A man with two handguns was shot and killed at a Walmart in Pennsylvania. On Saturday, the man walked into the store and started pointing a gun at people. Stroud Area Regional Police were called to the scene and ordered the man to drop his gun but, he refused and went on to point his gun at the police. The police shot the man in the chest and he was later said to be dead once hospitalized. Thankfully, no one was injured but, police have still yet to identify the gunman.
Although this event was very uncalled for I think it is just one more reason why people will bring attention to the topic of reevaluating the right to bare arms. There have been frequent shootings throughout the country for the past year and until something is done to prevent these shootings, nothing will change. I feel that the process for attaining a weapon should be a bit more difficult to ensure that these powerful weapons end up in the right hands.


  1. I think this could easily turn into an extremely controversial occurrence when it is unnecessary. The police men probably followed protocol and were left without options.

  2. That's so sad. People are just insane these days. - Kayleigh Smerud
