Monday, December 14, 2015

Muslims don't agree with Trump? Wait, why not?! Maddie Hanratty, 8th

Trump said in an interview that although his Muslim friends are glad he is talking openly about radicalism in the U.S., they cannot support his plan to Muslims. He says he understands, but he thinks it is the only way to follow through with all of the talk about radicalism.

I think it's pretty obvious that his Muslim friends wouldn't support this. I also don't think that Trump is the only one talking about extremism being present in America. His interview made it sound as if he was the only one enlightening people about this danger. Yes, he talks about it frequently, but this does not make him an expert, and it is a pretty popular subject right now so he is definitely not alone.

I can relate this to Grandfather Clause because Trump's policy targets a group of people whether they have terrorist intention or not. Grandfather Clause did a similar thing because it made generalizations about the past, and made it so that African Americans could not vote in order to preserve white supremacy.

(Yes, the title is 100% sarcasm)  ;)


  1. His plan is also ununconstitutional and kinda disqualifies him from being President. He can still run and all, but he just isn't fit for the job. Even if he does win, I'm sure he'll be impeached soon after.

  2. Placing all of those rules just on Muslims because you think they are all automatically terrorists is a very dangerous way of thinking. Bella Di Fazio pd :8

  3. Muslims aren't his "friends" dang he really knows how to piss off an entire group of peoples
