Monday, December 14, 2015

Caitlynne Simonton
 Three years ago today, a horrible and deadly tragedy befell the students of Sandy Hook Elementary School, their friends and families, and our nation as a whole. We wept with those who were hurting after a insane terrorist entered the school and created one of the deadliest mass-shootings that our country has ever seen. The parents who lost their beloved children on that day have since been fighting for a change in gun regulation because there is an almost unbelievably high amount of deaths as a result of gun violence. In the days since the attack on Sandy Hook alone, there have been around 555 children killed at the hand of a gun. The trend in mass shootings has only gone up. The parents are saying that the time to act is now because this isn't going to just go away.

The movement to stop reckless gun violence and tighten gun control reminds me of the American Temperance Society that was active in the U.S. in the 1820's. Their goal was to completely stop the consumption of alcohol as they believed that it would lead to a decrease in violence and slovenliness and an increase in peace and happiness and success as a society.

This movement is in its earlier steps and its unclear as to whether it is likely to fall or fly. Hopefully, unlike the efforts made my the American Temperance Society, it will go far and have a huge positive impact on our society and eventually the world. I believe that an increase in gun regulation will impart a monumental change for the better.

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